

Love & Relationship

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Quite often during a consultation, I can feel the presence of your Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide with me. I feel myself actually speaking the words of the Spirit Guide and the suggestions from them are always right on the mark!


I specialise in Love & Relationships, Career and Lost Objects.


I have been consulting on TheCircle since May 2009 and I have been reading professionally for over 20 years.


Clairvoyant and Spirit Guides.


Tarot Cards, Pendulum and Auras.


Go beyond the surface.


Music, art and creativity.


I have been consulting on TheCircle since May 2009 and I have been reading professionally for over 20 years.

Client reviews : 100   -   Average rating : 4.1
« Great reading thankyou Smitty »
    • Shane
      On 11 April 2024

      Great reading thankyou Smitty

    • Circle11595438
      On 07 August 2023

      Got straight to the point really connected

    • Circle11161958
      On 22 May 2023

      The best by far

    • Pparihar
      On 16 May 2023

      I've never left a bad review on the circle before, but I'm so angry and disappointed with this call. He took 13 minutes just asking questions and tuning in, and then ended the chat, and when I connected back in (having paid for 13 minutes and got nothing in return!) I had to wait another 5 mins so he could "retype", and then finally gave me NO insight into the situation whatsoever.

    • kaldeep
      On 05 December 2020

      Smitty has allways been very accurate. He is great to talk to. No time wasting. Many predictions have been correct. Thanks Smittty

    • Circle_11136518
      On 12 April 2019

      All Smitty's divinations have been accurate, and he has not hesitated to tell the truth - even if it was painful. He does not waste time, connects fast, and works hard to get answers to what I am asking clarity or advise on. He is also very engaged and enthusiastic. Thank you always

    • Circle_11819598
      On 29 January 2019


    • Circle_11199648
      On 13 November 2018

      love smitty he is such an empathetic kind guy and always tries to help and give hope. xxxxxx

    • stream_3383
      On 21 October 2018

      Readings with Smitty are always detailed. Predictions have come true in the past and I am sure will again.

    • rcha5494
      On 15 October 2018

      Wonderful and friendly.. picked up and connected so well!

    • Circle_11526828
      On 24 August 2018

      Readings have been always accurate and helpful.

    • Circle_11624818
      On 06 December 2017

      It got cut off! Will talk again soon

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